
 社会医学、疫学、臨床疫学研究の論文について抄読会を行っています。単に最新の研究結果を共有することが目的ではなく、研究方法やバイアスなどを考え、論文を批判的に吟味して評価し、実際の現場にどのように応用できるか、今後どのような研究を行えばよいか考えることを目的に行っています。特に疫学論文の批判的吟味(Critical reading)の内容は、4年生の臨床疫学の課題にも取り入れています。


日時 ? 担当 論文
2024/4月   九里  TBA
 2024/3月  金谷  TBA
 2024/2月  守村  TBA
 赤木  TBA


日時 ? 担当 論文
 吉岡 Daisuke Onozuka, et al. Reduced mortality during the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan, 2020: a two-stage interrupted time-series design International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 51, Issue 1, February 2022, Pages 75–84 (2020年日本におけるCOVID-19流行時の死亡率減少:2段階分割時系列解析)
佐藤  Ohniwa RL, Takeyasu K, Hibino A. The effectiveness of Japanese public funding to generate emerging topics in life science and medicine. PLoS One. 2023 Aug 17;18(8):e0290077.
 神田(衛生学?健康科学分野) Sun Y, et al. Exposure to air pollutant mixture and gestational diabetes mellitus in Southern California: Results from electronic health record data of a large pregnancy cohort. Environ Int. 2022 Jan;158:106888.
西條  Okawara M, et al. Working hours, side work, and depressive symptoms in physicians: A nationwide cross-sectional study in Japan. J Occup Health. 2022 Jan;64(1):e12377.
 金谷(衛生学?健康科学分野)  Reiji Kojima et al. Prenatal occupational disinfectant exposure and childhood allergies: the Japan Environment and Children’s Study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2022; 79: 521–526. (妊婦の職業上の消毒殺菌剤使用と子どもの 3歳時のアレルギー疾患との関連性 (エコチル調査 ))
 守村 Alrajeh SM, Hassan HM, Al-Ahmed AS, Alsayed Hassan D. An investigation of the relationship between cyberbullying, cybervictimization and depression symptoms: A cross sectional study among university students in Qatar. PLoS One. 2021 Dec 9;16(12):e0260263. (ネットいじめ、ネット被害、うつ病症状の関係に関する調査:カタールの大学生を対象とした横断的研究)
 中西 D. MENICHINI, et al. First-trimester prediction of gestational hypertension through the bioelectrical impedance analysis of the body composition. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2022 Jan;26(11):3967-3972. (体組成の生体電気インピーダンス分析による妊娠高血圧症の妊娠第1三半期の予測)
 赤木 Siang Ing Lee, et al. Epidemiology of pre-existing multimorbidity in pregnant women in the UK in 2018: a population-based cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 Feb 11;22(1):120.(2018年英国における、妊婦の既存多疾患併存疫学<横断研究>)
 吉岡 Jane Pirkis, et al. Suicide numbers during the first 9-15 months of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with pre-existing trends: An interrupted time series analysis in 33 countries eClinicalMedicine Volume 51, September 2022, 101573
佐藤 Allington D, et al. Coronavirus conspiracy suspicions, general vaccine attitudes, trust and coronavirus information source as predictors of vaccine hesitancy among UK residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychol Med. 2021 Apr 12:1-12.


日時 ? 担当 論文
 西條  Tomioka K, Shima M, Saeki K. Number of public health nurses and COVID-19 incidence rate by variant type: an ecological study of 47 prefectures in Japan. Environ Health Prev Med. 2022;27(0):18.
 九里 Nakagaito M, et al. Comparison of Canagliflozin, Dapagliflozin and Empagliflozin Added to Heart Failure Treatment in Decompensated Heart Failure Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Circ Rep. 2019 Sep 27;1(10):405-413.
 金谷(衛生学?健康科学分野) Hiroshi Yokomichi et al. High Incidence of Atopic Dermatitis among Children Whose Fathers Work in Primary Industry: The Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022 19, 1761. (第一次産業に従事する父親を持つ子どものアトピー性皮膚炎 発症率に関する研究:エコチル調査)
 守村 Yoshito Nishimura et al. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Psychological Distress of Medical Students in Japan: Cross-sectional Survey Study. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH 2021:23(2):e25232.(COVID-19パンデミックが日本の医学生の精神的苦痛に与える影響:横断的調査研究)
 中西 Xiaoyu Chen et al. Relationships between sarcopenia, depressive symptoms, and mild cognitive impairment in Chinese community-dwelling older adults. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2021. 286:71–77. (中国の地域在住高齢者におけるサルコペニア、抑うつ症状、軽度認知障害との関連性)
 赤木 Gong T, et al. Parental asthma and risk of autism spectrum disorder in offspring: A population and family-based case-control study. Clin Exp Allergy. 2019;49(6):883-891. (両親の喘息と子の自閉症スペクトラムのリスク:集団および家族をベースとした症例対照研究)
 吉岡  Ioannis Laliotis, et al. Lancet Public Health. 2016 Dec;1(2):e56-e65. Total and cause-specific mortality before and after the onset of the Greek economic crisis: an interrupted time-series analysis (ギリシアにおける経済危機の前後の全死亡および原因別死亡)
 佐藤  Kühnisch J, et al. Caries Detection on Intraoral Images Using Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Dental Research. 2022; 101(2): 158-165.
 西條 Koike S, et al. Board certification and urban-rural migration of physicians in Japan. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 ;18(1):615.
九里 Kristina Sundquist, et al. Elucidating causal effects of type2 diabetes on ischemic heart disease from observational data on middle‐aged Swedish women: a triangular analytical approach. Sci Rep. 2021 Jun 15;11(1):12579.
 金谷(衛生学?健康科学分野) Tsuji M, et al. Associations between metal concentrations in whole blood and placenta previa and placenta accreta: the Japan Environment and Children's Study (JECS). Environ Health Prev Med. 2019 Jun 7;24(1):40.
 守村 Schr?pfer K, et al. Psychological Stress among Students in Health-Related Fields during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study at Selected Munich Universities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jun 19;18(12):6611.


日時 ? 担当 論文
   中西 Brown HK, et al. Multimorbidity and use of reversible contraception: Results from a Canadian cross-sectional survey. Contraception. 2021 Dec;104(6):628-634.(多疾患併存と可逆的な避妊法の使用について:カナダの横断研究の結果)
    吉岡 Jane Pirkis, et al. Suicide trends in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic: an interrupted time-series analysis of preliminary data from 21 countries Lancet Psychiatry. 2021 Jul;8(7):579-588. (新型コロナ感染症パンデミック早期における自殺の推移 <21か国の予備的なデータを用いた分割時系列解析>)
  佐藤 Bigert C, et al. Night and shift work and incidence of cerebrovascular disease - a prospective cohort study of healthcare employees in Stockholm. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2021 Sep 24:3986. (交代制夜勤と脳血管疾患の関連:ストックホルムの医療従事者を対象とした前向きコホート研究)
  西條 Kawashima T, et al. Excess All-Cause Deaths during Coronavirus Disease Pandemic, Japan, January-May 2020. Emerg Infect Dis. 2021 Mar;27(3):789-795. (2021年1月~3月の日本におけるコロナウイルスパンデミックによる超過死亡)
  九里 Harcombe H, Samaranayaka A, Wyeth EH, et al. Predictors of subsequent injury at work: findings from a prospective cohort of injured workers in New Zealand. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2020;77:839-846. (労働傷害再発の予測因子:ニュージーランドにおける労働傷害のコホート)
 金谷(衛生学?健康科学分野) Tanaka R, et al. Association between time-related work factors and dietary behaviors: results from the Japan Environment and Children's Study (JECS). Environ Health Prev Med. 2018 Dec 14;23(1):62. doi: 10.1186/s12199-018-0753-9. PMID: 30547743( 時間的労働因子と食行動との関連性:エコチル調査全国のデータを用いた研究結果)
  守村 Wathelet M, et al. Factors Associated With Mental Health Disorders Among University Students in France Confined During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Oct 1;3(10):e2025591. PMID: 33095252 (沙巴体育平台_沙巴体育app@感染パンデミック制限下フランス大学生のメンタルヘルス不全に関連する要因)
  中西 Wu Y, et al. Perinatal depressive and anxiety symptoms of pregnant women during the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak in China. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Aug;223(2):240.e1-240.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2020.05.009. Epub 2020 May 11. PMID: 32437665 (中国における沙巴体育平台_沙巴体育app@感染症アウトブレイク中の妊婦のうつ?不安症状)
  吉岡 Paulien Hagedoorn, et al. Is suicide mortality associated with neighbourhood social fragmentation and deprivation? A Dutch register-based case-control study using individualised neighbourhoods . J Epidemiol Community Health 2020 Feb;74(2):197-202. (自殺の死亡率は近隣の社会的分断や剥奪と関連するか? オランダにおける住民登録データに基づくケースコントロール研究)
 佐藤 Nigatu YT, Wang J. The combined effects of job demand and control, effort-reward imbalance and work-family conflicts on the risk of major depressive episode: a 4-year longitudinal study
抑うつエピソード発生リスクに対するカラセックの職業性ストレスOccupational and Environmental Medicine 2018;75:6-11. DOI: 10.1136/oemed-2016-104114 (仕事の要求度?コントロールモデル)とシーグリストの職業性ストレス(努力?報酬不均衡モデル)とワーク?ファミリー?コンフリクトの交互作用 )
 西條 Tsutsumi A, Shimazu A, Eguchi H, Inoue A, Kawakami N. A Japanese Stress Check Program screening tool predicts employee long-term sickness absence: a prospective study. J Occup Health. 2018 Jan 25;60(1):55-63.. PMID: 29093366.


日時 ? 担当 論文
 守村 Nagamitsu, S., Mimaki, M., Koyanagi, K. et al. Prevalence and associated factors of suicidality in Japanese adolescents: results from a population-based questionnaire survey. BMC Pediatr 20, 467 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887-020-02362-9 (日本の中高生の自殺傾向とその関連要因)
   中西  Iwama N, et al. Associations between glycosylated hemoglobin level at less than 24 weeks of gestation and adverse pregnancy outcomes in Japan: The Japan Environment and Children's Study (JECS). Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2020 Aug 21;169:108377. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2020.108377. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32828835.(日本における妊娠24週未満のHbA1c値と妊娠有害転帰との関連:エコチル調査)
 吉岡 Umeda M, et al. Does an advantageous occupational position make women happier in contemporary Japan? Findings from the Japanese Study of Health, Occupation, and Psychosocial Factors Related Equity (J-HOPE) SSM Popul Health. 2015 Oct 26;1:8-15.(現在の日本において、職位が上位であることは、働く女性をより幸せにするだろうか?J-HOPEからの知見)
 佐藤 Framke E, S?rensen JK, Andersen PK, et al. Contribution of income and job strain to the association between education and cardiovascular disease in 1.6 million Danish employees. Eur Heart J. 2020;41(11):1164-1178. (収入と職業性ストレスは、教育歴と循環器疾患発症および死亡の関連を説明するのか)
  西條 Suzumori N, Ebara T, Matsuki T, et al. Effects of long working hours and shift work during pregnancy on obstetric and perinatal outcomes: A large prospective cohort study-Japan Environment and Children's Study. Birth. 2020;47(1):67-79.(妊娠中の長時間労働と交替制勤務が妊娠期及び周産期の母子の健康に及ぼす影響についての大規模前向きコホート研究 エコチル調査)


日時 ? 担当 論文
  吉岡 Ishikawa H, et al. Prevalence, treatment, and the correlates of common mental disorders in the mid 2010‘s in Japan: The results of the world mental health Japan 2nd survey. J Affect Disord. 2018 Dec 1;241:554-562.
  西條 Nawa T, et al. A population-based cohort study to evaluate the effectiveness of lung cancer screening using low-dose CT in Hitachi city, Japan.Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2019 Feb 1;49(2):130-136.
 佐藤 Walsemann, Katrina M., Gilbert C. Gee, and Danielle Gentile. "Sick of our loans: Student borrowing and the mental health of young adults in the United States." Social Science & Medicine 124 (2015): 85-93.


日時 ? 担当 論文
 吉岡 Kapur N, et al. Mental health service changes, organisational factors, and patient suicide in England in 1997–2012: a before-and-after study. Lancet Psychiatry. 2016 Jun;3(6):526-34.


Tsugawa Y, Jha AK, Newhouse JP, Zaslavsky AM, Jena AB. Variation in Physician Spending and Association With Patient Outcomes . JAMA Intern Med. 2017 May 1;177(5):675-682.
 西條  Dhana K, et al. Association between maternal adherence to healthy lifestyle practices and risk of obesity in offspring: results from two prospective cohort studies of mother-child pairs in the United States. BMJ. 2018 Jul 4;362:k2486.
  佐藤 S. Wakaguri J. Aida K. Osaka M. Morita Y. Ando. Association between Caregiver Behaviours to Prevent Vertical Transmission and Dental Caries in Their 3-Year-Old Children.Caries Res 2011;45:281–286


5/21(月) 16:30-  吉岡 Fontanella CA, et al. Widening Rural-Urban Disparities in Youth  Suicides, United States, 1996-2010.JAMA Pediatr. 2015 May;169(5):466-73.


日時 ? 担当 論文
1/19(火) 16:20-(医学英語終了後) 吉岡 Nakamura M, et al. Length of mechanical restraint following haloperidol injections versus oral atypicalantipsychotics for the initial treatment of acute schizophrenia: a propensity-matched analysis from the Japanese diagnosis procedure combination database.  Psychiatry Res. 2013 Oct 30;209(3):412-6.(急性期統合失調症患者の身体拘束期間(ハロペリドール注射と非定型抗精神病剤内服との比較):日本DPCデータベースの傾向スコアマッチング解析)

日時 担当 論文
12/3(木) 16:30- 西條 SPRINT Research Group. A Randomized Trial of Intensive versus Standard Blood-Pressure Control.
N Engl J Med. 2015 Nov 9. [Epub ahead of print]
10/27(火) 16:30- 川西 Davis K, et al. A randomized controlled trial of yoga for pregnant women with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2015 Aug;21(3):166-72.
8/27(木) 16:30- 西條 Wada K, et al..The economic impact of loss of performance due to absenteeism and presenteeism caused by depressive symptoms and comorbid health conditions among Japanese workers. Ind Health. 2013;51(5):482-9.
(日本の労働者のうつ症状によるAbsenteeism と Presenteeismが及ぼす経済的影響)
7/2(木) 16:30- 川西 Catov JM et al. Association of periconceptional multivitamin use and risk of preterm or small-for-gestational-age births. Am J Epidemiology. 2007 Aug 1;166(3):296-303
伊藤先生(看護学講座) anri A et al. Low-carbohydrate diet and type 2 diabetes risk in Japanese men and women: the Japan Public Health Center-Based Prospective Study. PLoS One. 2015 Feb 19;10(2):e0118377 (日本人における低炭水化物食とⅡ型糖尿病リスク:日本の多目的コホート研究より )
稲積先生(北都保健福祉専門学校) Gu Y et al. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2008 Jan;27(1):37-43.Long-term exposure to gaseous formaldehyde promotes allergen-specific IgE-mediated immune responses in a murine model. (ホルムアルデヒドへの長期吸入暴露は、マウスにおけるアレルゲン特異的IgEを介した免疫反応を促進する。)
3/24(火)16:30- 西條 Fujino Y, et al. Impact of regional clinical pathways on the length of stay in hospital among stroke patients in Japan. Med Care. 2014 Jul;52(7):634-40. (脳卒中クリニカルパスは在院日数を減少するか:マルチレベル解析によるDPCデータの検討)
2/17(火) 16:30- 川西 László KD, et al.. Loss of a close family member the year before or during pregnancy and the risk of placental abruption: a cohort study from Denmark and Sweden. Psychol Med. 2014 Jul;44(9):1855-66